BC Housing works in partnership with the private and non-profit sectors, provincial health authorities and ministries, other levels of government and community groups to develop a range of housing options.
This diagram illustrates the housing continuum in the province and BC Housing’s contribution in the fiscal year 2021/22:
Our mandate
BC Housing is responsible for fulfilling the directives of the Attorney General and Ministry responsible for Housing’s yearly mandate letter. Our responsibilities related to social housing reflect an order-in-council under the Ministry of Lands, Parks and Housing Act that established the British Columbia Housing Management Commission (BC Housing) in 1967. Our obligations related to strengthening consumer protection for new homebuyers and improving the quality of residential construction outcomes from the Homeowner Protection Act established in 1998.
The Provincial Rental Housing Corporation
We administer the Provincial Rental Housing Corporation (PRHC), created in 1961. The Corporation holds property for social and other low-cost housing in British Columbia.
What we do
BC Housing develops, manages and administers a wide range of subsidized housing options across the province. We work with the ministry responsible for housing to address critical gaps across the housing continuum, which range from emergency shelter and rent assistance in the private market to affordable home ownership. We also license residential builders, administer owner builder authorizations and carry out research and education that benefits the residential construction industry and consumers. We work with about 800 housing providers and help more than 110,000 households in communities across British Columbia.
Who we serve
- Individuals who are homeless
- Individuals with disabilities
- Indigenous individuals and families
- Women and children at risk of violence
- Low-income seniors and families
- Buyers of new homes
Giving back
Our Community Connections program gives each BC Housing employee the opportunity to support community organizations through volunteering, donations and fundraising efforts. See our People Strategy page for more information.