HousingHub: Partnering with BC Housing to Build Affordable Housing

BC Housing welcomes the opportunity to work with individuals and organizations to create affordable housing solutions.

Program Overview

The HousingHub works with community, government and non-profit and private-sector stakeholders to facilitate the creation of new affordable rental housing and homeownership options for middle-income British Columbians.


How Our Partnerships Work

The HousingHub works collaboratively with an array of industry groups to facilitate the partnership of suitable land, equity, low-cost financing and development expertise to create affordable rental housing and homeownership options.


Rental and Homeownership Programs and Eligibility

BC Housing, through the HousingHub is delivering Provincial Rental Supply and Affordable Home Ownership programs to support the development of new, affordable homes for eligible middle-income families and individuals.


Projects & Innovative Partnerships

The HousingHub has initiated several innovative partnerships which will result in new housing opportunities for British Columbians.


How will the HousingHub help build new affordable housing in BC?

The HousingHub will actively seek and facilitate new opportunities and partnerships with traditional and non-traditional partners who have land that can be the foundation to create new affordable homes.

By leveraging the expertise of BC Housing staff, the office will provide a centre for community partners and private industry to collaborate on developing new construction or redeveloping existing sites for affordable housing purposes.

Increasing the Housing Supply

The HousingHub is designed to purposefully seek partnerships with private and non-profit sectors to work with all levels of government to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Create new affordable rental supply
  • Support individuals and families in moving out of rental units and into affordable homeownership

A logo that reads "HousingHub: Building Partnerships, Building Homes."

A grey asterisk.   Housing for households with middle incomes – the average annual income qualifying for units underway is under $99,000 per year.

A grey asterisk.   Affordable rental housing at or below market rate, affordable homeownership.

A grey asterisk.   Non-profits and private developers, faith groups, property owners, federal and local governments, and Indigenous partners.

Affordable Rental & Homeownership Program

A logo that reads "HousingHub: Building Partnerships, Building Homes."

Housing with
Support Services
Rental Assistance
Private Market
Rental Housing