How will the HousingHub help build new affordable housing in BC?
The HousingHub actively seeks and facilitates new opportunities and partnerships with traditional and non-traditional partners who have land that can be the used to create new affordable homes.
The HousingHub provides expertise and a centre for community partners and private industry to collaborate on developing new construction or redeveloping existing sites for affordable housing purposes.
Through private and community partnerships, the HousingHub can provide:
- Low-cost financing
- Access to land
- No or low-capital equity
We want to work with you
- Private Sector
- Local Governments
- Non-profit and Co-operative Housing Organizations
- Community Land Trusts
- Indigenous Partners
- Faith Based Groups
- Charities
- Financial Institutions
- Industry Groups
Roles and Responsibilities
By working together, each partner draws on their strengths and available resources with the common goal of bringing new affordable housing to our communities. While each partnership will vary in roles and complexity, generally the following outlines what we each bring to the table:
- Low-cost financing
- Project coordination
- Expertise to assist in the planning and development process
- Access to predevelopment funding
- Suitable land
- Equity
- Catalyst to move the development project forward