Womens Transition Housing & Supports Program - Provider Info

This program funds the operation of transition houses, safe homes and second-stage housing programs that provide safe shelter and support services to women, with or without dependent children, who are at risk of violence or who have experienced violence.


The Women’s Transition Housing and Supports Program resulted from a grass roots movement to provide shelter to women in B.C. seeking refuge from domestic violence. After the administrative transfer of the program from the Ministry of Housing and Social Development in 2009, BC Housing, the BC Society of Transition Houses and service providers across the province came together to develop the Women's Transition Housing and Supports Program Framework - February 2019 . The program is funded through the provincial government and administered by BC Housing.


BC Housing is responsible for funding and administering the Women’s Transition Housing and Supports Program. We provide the support and resources necessary for implementation of the program, which is delivered through our service providers. Each service provider enters into a service agreement with us, the term of which is typically three years.

Reviews, data collection & reports

During the term of your agreement, we conduct annual financial reviews and approve the annual operating budgets. Service providers are also required to provide monthly data collection reports.


Domestic Violence Safety Planning Online Training

This training was developed through a partnership between BC Housing and the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Branch, in collaboration with the Ending Violence Association of BCBC Society of Transition Houses, and Police Victim Services of B.C. The training is a practical resource to assist front-line service providers working with women, children, and families impacted by domestic violence. The training includes core elements and tools of safety planning that can be adapted to different circumstances.

The 8-10 hour domestic violence safety planning training builds on the work of the province’s Domestic Violence Action Plan and consists of seven modules covering a range of topics including:

  • Working with women who have experienced domestic violence
  • Cross-sector coordination
  • Risk identification and safety planning
  • Safety planning with children and youth

The training is available to support workers who meet the following requirements:

  • Employed by a BC Housing funded program (e.g., Transition House, Safe Home, Second Stage Program, Emergency Shelter or Outreach Program).
  • Have consent to take the training from employer.
  • Confirm that you are aware you have 60 days to complete the training from the first time you login to the online training.

If you have questions, please contact [email protected]

Domestic Violence Safety Planning Training
Registration Form