Mission, Vision, Values

BC Housing develops, manages and administers a wide range of subsidized housing options across the province. We also license residential builders, administer owner builder authorizations and carry out research and education that benefits the residential construction industry, consumers and the affordable housing sector.

three circles depicting mission vision and values


Making a positive difference in people’s lives and communities through safe, affordable and quality housing


BC Housing serves as a trusted leader and partner in sustainable solutions for British Columbians.



Because we want to see the way ahead and build solutions for the future

So we are creative, adaptive and flexible


Because we want to benefit people’s lives and our communities

So we are fair, respectful and understanding


Because we want to build strong relationships and supportive partnerships inside and outside the organization

So we are trusting, collaborative and open


Because we want to adhere to high professional standards to make the best use of taxpayer resources

So we are accountable, reliable and transparent